"> Novel robotic technologies for mapping and sampling the Mediterranean Coralligenous

CRESCIBLUREEF project has been presented by Fabio Bruno (UNICAL) at the Breaking the Surface (BTS). BTS is an international workshop of maritime robotics and applications. Since 2009, BTS has served as a meeting place for international experts, university professors, scientists, industry representatives and students from various fields related to marine robotics and its applications in biology, geology, archaeology, etc.

The invited talk given by Prof. Bruno has been focused on the novel minimally invasive monitoring and sampling technologies developed in CRESCIBLUREEF by the University of Calabria team that have been implemented on an innovative ROV equipped with an optical system capable of interactively reconstruct the 3D morphology of the seabed and a robotic coring system able to directly collect sample of the coralligenous. The presentation has described the different technical problems that have been solved and the results of the first sea trails.