A Successful Conclusion to the 13th IFAA Symposium!

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the 13th International Fossil Algae Association (IFAA) Symposium, held in Le Castella, Crotone Province, Calabria, Italy. This event brought together researchers, geologists, and palaeontologists from across the globe, all united by their passion for fossil algae and paleobiology. The symposium featured an impressive lineup of international conveners who contributed to a rich program of presentations and discussions.

Participants enjoyed insightful lectures, interactive sessions, and fruitful networking opportunities, with the exchange of knowledge reflecting the latest advancements in the field. In addition to the symposium, attendees were also treated to a field trip in the beautiful Le Castella, Capo Colonna and Lo Castro in the Crotone province (Calabria, Italy).

For those who missed it, the Abstract Book and Field Trip Guide are now available, providing a comprehensive overview of the research and fieldwork discussed throughout the symposium.

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the 13th IFAA Symposium a resounding success! We look forward to continuing our journey in fossil algae research and to seeing everyone at the next IFAA meeting. Stay tuned for updates!

IFAA13 #FossilAlgae #Paleobiology #SymposiumSuccess #ScientificResearch


Field Trip guide IFAA

IFAA 2024, Sponsorship and Patronage

Thank you for your support!

The 13th International Symposium on Fossil Algae has the patronage of the Società Geologica Italiana and Società Paleontologica Italiana, and of the International Fossil Coral and Reef Society. Moreover, we are grateful to the International Association of Sedimentologists for a sponsorship in the framework of the IAS sponsored conference initiative.


CBR16 – when it took place

The campaign initially scheduled for the period from the end of August to the beginning of September was postponed repeatedly due to adverse weather and sea conditions. The scientific staff (D. Basso, P. Bazzicalupo, F. Panizzuti, A. Rosso, f. D’Alpa) went to Marzamemi from 28 October to 4 November 2023 for the last campaign of the project.

The main objective was the collection of coralligenous samples at 50 meters, collection of algae samples for genetics, fluximeter recovery, sediment traps and growth experiment blocks recovery.

Sampling and collection of equipment and material was carried out by Suttakkua Diving members.

Two 250ml bottles of sediment (CBR16_5) were also collected.

Prof. Daniela Basso sulla barca di Suttakkua diving
Prof. Daniela Basso on board of Suttakkua diving vessel
Foto scattata a 47.7 m durante la perlustrazione pre campionamento
Photo taken at 47.7 m during the pre-sampling survey

The main result was achieved with the recovery of 2 coralligenous samples. The algal material for the genetic analyses was also recovered, finally the fluximeter and the sedimentation traps were also recovered. Unfortunately it was not possible to recover the blocks for the growth experiment due to adverse sea conditions.

Dr. Pietro Bazzicalupo e Prof. Daniela Basso observation on the coralligenous sample collected at 47m
Dr. Pietro Bazzicalupo e Prof. Daniela Basso observation on the coralligenous sample collected at 47m
Dr. Francesca Panizuti photographs the samples before the collection
Dr. Francesca Panizuti photographs the samples before the collection
Fluximeter recovered
Fluximeter recovered
Ascent stop during the sample collection
Ascent stop during the sample collection

The samples collected during this specific campaign will be used by Dr. Francesca Panizzuti in the next 3 years for her doctoral thesis on thecalcareous algae Corallinophycidae of the Mediterranean Coralligenus. We are excited and can’t wait to see the first results of this study.

Dr. Panizzuti classify the samples
Dr. Panizzuti classify the samples

SCIENTIFIC PAPER: “Origin and role of non-skeletal carbonate in coralligenous build-ups: new geobiological perspectives in the biomineralization processes”

Mara Cipriani, Carmine Apollaro, Daniela Basso, Pietro Bazzicalupo, Marco Bertolino, Valentina Alice Bracchi, Fabio Bruno, Gabriele Costa, Rocco Dominici, Alessandro Gallo, Maurizio Muzzupappa, Antonietta Rosso, Rossana Sanfilippo, Francesco Sciuto, Giovanni Vespasiano, Adriano Guido

!! SCIENTIFIC PAPER PUBLISHED IN Biogeosciences discussions (EGU) !!

!! The coralligenous build-ups located in Mediterranean shelf in front of Marzamemi (SE – Sicily, Italy) represent useful natural examples to study the relationship between skeletal organisms and non-skeletal components in marine bioconstructions. In this study, scientists characterized two coralligenous build-ups in terms of organisms and sediments involved in their formation. The framework mainly consists of coralline algae and subordinate bryozoans and serpulids. Sponges affect the general morphology of the bioconstructions both interacting with skeletonised organisms and through bioerosion activity.

Scientists understood that the micrite or microcrystalline calcite is present in minor amount than other components that form the build-ups and consists of two types: autochthonous (in situ) and allochthonous (detrital). Moreover, a great amount of sponge live in cavities of the coralligenous build-ups and compete with carbonatogenic bacteria for the same cryptic spaces limiting the production of microbialites. The sharing of a similar relationship between sponges and microbial communities by coralligenous concretion and biotic crusts of particular submarine caves suggests that this competition is not habitat-specific. !!

Keywords: Coralligenous reefs; Sponges; Micrites; Geobiology; Mediterranean.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-2023-115

LINK: https://bg.copernicus.org/preprints/bg-2023-115/


CBR15 – when it took place

From 10 to 13 October the second test campaign of the remote-controlled vehicle for coralligenous sampling was carried out. Testing the ultimate updates has been the main objective of the campaign. During the last tests, done in July, several issues mainly regarding power supply emerged and caused frequent ROV power failure. These problems affected the whole test operation during which we were able to extract only one sample. Moreover, the lack of a protective frame for core carrel magazine caused some collisions between barrels themselves and coralligenous build-ups during the anchoring and the tool changing phase. Lastly, throughout post operation inspections, the corer frame main plate and the anchoring plate were found slightly bent due to mechanical stress during transport and core drilling.


In account of power supply problems, a 3 kW-3 Wh portable power station, with an expansion 3 Wh LiFePO4 battery has been used. The total capacity of this power station provides an autonomy of 2 hours at full power. In addition, in order to prevent any impact among core barrel and surrounding build-ups, an anodized aluminium plate has been installed beneath the barrel magazine. Eventually, both the anchoring plate and the skid main plate were replaced by new ones having double the thickness of the old ones. These actions have led to an increase of the vehicle weight (9 kg in air and 5 kg in water) requiring the ROV ballast removal.

During the entire campaign a faulty commercial cable penetrator caused water leaks in the core drill control electronics canister. Due to this, some of the device functions, as the “double tube” mechanism, have been disabled. Nevertheless, several sample operations have been carried out at depth ranging from 30 to 37 meters resulting in 5 core samples.

Figure 1 – Repair work on electronics canister
Repair work on electronics canister.
Figure 2 – One of the core sample brought to the surface
One of the core sample brought to the surface
Figure 3 – ROV on-board view during core operation
On-board view during core operation (ROV)
Figure 4 – ROV on the Marzamemi seafloar
ROV on the Marzamemi seafloor
Figure 4.1 – ROV on the Marzamemi seafloar
Floating in the blue (ROV)