A Successful Conclusion to the 13th IFAA Symposium!

We are excited to announce the successful completion of the 13th International Fossil Algae Association (IFAA) Symposium, held in Le Castella, Crotone Province, Calabria, Italy. This event brought together researchers, geologists, and palaeontologists from across the globe, all united by their passion for fossil algae and paleobiology. The symposium featured an impressive lineup of international conveners who contributed to a rich program of presentations and discussions.

Participants enjoyed insightful lectures, interactive sessions, and fruitful networking opportunities, with the exchange of knowledge reflecting the latest advancements in the field. In addition to the symposium, attendees were also treated to a field trip in the beautiful Le Castella, Capo Colonna and Lo Castro in the Crotone province (Calabria, Italy).

For those who missed it, the Abstract Book and Field Trip Guide are now available, providing a comprehensive overview of the research and fieldwork discussed throughout the symposium.

Thank you to everyone who participated and helped make the 13th IFAA Symposium a resounding success! We look forward to continuing our journey in fossil algae research and to seeing everyone at the next IFAA meeting. Stay tuned for updates!

IFAA13 #FossilAlgae #Paleobiology #SymposiumSuccess #ScientificResearch


Field Trip guide IFAA

IFAA 2024, Sponsorship and Patronage

Thank you for your support!

The 13th International Symposium on Fossil Algae has the patronage of the Società Geologica Italiana and Società Paleontologica Italiana, and of the International Fossil Coral and Reef Society. Moreover, we are grateful to the International Association of Sedimentologists for a sponsorship in the framework of the IAS sponsored conference initiative.

Oceano aMICO2


In Milan, for the first time, two important academic institution (Università Milano-Bicocca and Politecnico di Milano) are teaming together to host the Oceano aMICO2 event. This is a divulgative event on CO2 reduction strategies centered around the Ocean. The theme is extremely relevant and the strategies discussed may shape the new mitigation of current climate change scenarios.

In the flyer you will find the link to subscribe to the event.

The initiative is open to everyone including school teachers, students and curious!

The initiative will be in Italian

here’s the link to follow the event remotely: https://politecnicomilano.webex.com/politecnicomilano-it/j.php?MTID=m911d89fd218eb8f543beb71d232e2195

EGU 2023

The CresciBlu team was in Wien for the EGU 2023 conference! During this time we have presented some of our work so far and shared our results with the huge and welcoming European Geological community! It was a blast!


Everybody was in Milano-Bicocca for the work-in-progress meeting of the CBR project. Extremely happy and satisfied for all the work! Stay tuned for the next updates!

People from Left to Right, First Row: Prof. Marco Bertolino (UniGe), Prof. Daniela Basso (Unimib, project leader), Prof. Antonietta Rosso (UniCT), Prof. Rossana Sanfilippo (UniCT), Dr. Valentina Bracchi (Unimib), Dr. Pietro Bazzicalupo (Unimib).

Second Row: Ada Bandi (UniGe), Prof. Alessandra Savini (Unimib), Dr. Alessandro Gallo (UniCal), Prof. Adriano Guido (UniCal), Dr. Antonio Lagudi (UniCal), Dr. Mara Cipriani (UniCal), Gemma Donato (UniCT), Prof. Fabio Bruno (UniCal).