Here we are, the CBR3 has started and with it the first attempt to photogrammetry on the coralligenous. In the picture you can see Alessandra Savini and Luca Fallati (of the University of Milano-Bicocca) working at ca. 10 m depth, with the indispensable help of the Suttakkua diving.
They are swiping the sea floor testing the high-definition camera. After the test they will go to higher depths searching for the coralligenous and use the camera there. The objective is to integrate the acquired images with the sea bottom profile, thus creating a reliable 3D model for the analyses. We will use this 3D model, with the samples acquired during the CBR2, to better understand the geological and geomorphological conditions under which the coralligenous grows.
Follow us on Instagram @cresciblureef #CBR to see other amazing video of the CBR3 campaign.