Summer 2022 is a very important period for the CBR project. One year has passed since the project has started and it is time to check the progresses, assess the situation and continuing with the analysis and monitoring.
The first of these summer campaign has been carried out by the team from the University of Milano-Bicocca. During this period the CBR team has done ROV immersions, SCUBA diving for sample collection (always aided by the SUTTAKKUA diving), photogrammetry of the seafloor, retrieval of the monitoring equipment deployed in the last year.
Prof. Basso (project leader) and Dr. Fallati loading the ROV on the Suttakkua boat, ready to set sail(from left to right) Dr. Fallati, Dr. Piazza, Prof. Savini and Mr. Pietralito (head of the Suttakkua diving) ready to leave the Marzamemi harbour with the ROVThe powerful waterproof case for the camera used for the seafloor photogrammetryDr. Bracchi, Prof. Savini, Mr. Scarso (from the Suttakkua diving) and Prof. Basso, organize their equipment before diving. The currentometer recovered after six months of deployment next to the coralligenous. Notice all the critters and algae grown on his surface, life always finds a way!Prof. Basso, Mr. Pietralito and Dr. Fallati retrieved the ROV! Tiring but very successfull campaign! After the campaign work, is back to home base to write down the report, examine data and planning the next day. Dr. Fallati and Dr. Bracchi tacking pictures of the freshly retrieved samplesThis campaign is done but the project is far from over. Who knows which other secrets might lay under us, stay tuned to find out!